Please follow our step-by-step guide on how to apply for your passport while you are in the United States.
Go to and click on "APPLY OR RENEW".
You will be prompted to create an account.
The site will ask you a series of questions to direct you to the correct application form. You cannot download blank application forms.
If you aren't sure whether you should use a renewal form, you can read more about the different forms here.
You can print your application on US letter-size or legal-size paper. A4 paper is not required.
You may need to adjust your printer settings (look for Shrink to Fit or Fit to Page settings), especially if you use Chrome or Firefox, to ensure the bottom of the form is not cut off.
Remember: US Letter paper is smaller than A4. Check there is nothing cut off from the top or bottom of each page. We cannot accept applications if the bottoms are cut off.
For all applications
Make sure you have signed the applicant declaration and dated in Australian date format (DD/MM/YYYY). We cannot accept declarations in US date format.
Make sure your signature and date have no alterations and no correction fluid.
For child applications
Both parents must sign and date at Section 15.
You must both sign in front of an independent witness who is not related to you or the child by birth or marriage and not living in the same household as you or the child. The witness does not have to be an Australian citizen. You do not have to use the same witness as the other parent.
Read our handy tips for parents who live in different locations.
Do NOT wait for the interview to sign Section 15. Passport staff cannot act as your witness.
Bad photos are the most common reason why we reject applications. The requirements for US passport photos are different to Australian requirements.
Check our photo requirements and discuss them with your photographer.
We have a map of passport photographers in the United States where you can get your photos taken, including online providers.
We do NOT recommend photos taken at US pharmacies or post offices as these do not meet our printing, lighting and quality requirements.
Who can apply by mail
Adults using the one-page PC7 Australian Passport Renewal Application form can apply by mail. Please follow the PC7 MAIL INSTRUCTIONS to prepare your mail application kit.
Most renewals for children 15 years and younger can be lodged by mail. Read our CHILD RENEWAL MAIL INSTRUCTIONS to see if you are eligible and prepare your mail application kit.
All other applications must be lodged in person.
We do NOT recommend applying by mail if your application will reach the lodging office within a week or less of your desired travel date, unless your departure date is flexible. Please apply in person instead if your travel is genuinely urgent.
In Person - by appointment only
Applications can be lodged in person by making an appointment online with any passport office.
First time applications, applications to replace emergency/temporary passports, applications for 16 and 17 year children, and applications for adults using the five-page PC8 Application for an Australian Passport Overseas form must be lodged in person.
When lodging child applications in person, it does not matter whether the parent is an Australian citizen. Children aged 16 and 17 years old must lodge in person, together with one parent. Children aged 15 years and younger are not required to attend the interview.
Read the Required Documents before your interview and go through the checklist to avoid common errors. You should also check the requirements for name changes, translation of foreign documents and guarantors for PC8 applications.
Allow at least 6 weeks, although it may be faster.
You can check current printing times in Australia here.
Please read our information on Urgent Travel if you need to travel in the meantime.